Friday, June 27, 2008

Symptoms of Candidiasis

An exhaustive investigation into the patient's history may uncover a pattern and range of symptoms which will lead to an accurate diagnosis of candidiasis. This procedure can be carried out by any competent medical doctor, yet in Australia it is almost impossible to find a doctor who will do this. There are signs that doctors are slowly becoming more interested in the symptoms of candidiasis. Hopefully, the result will be greater awareness of candidiasis in Australia, and of the fact that a previously unknown, systemic form of this disease is causing a lot of people chronic allergy illness.

Historical examination will show the influence of birth control pills, antibiotics and cortisone and other immunosuppressant drugs. The onset of local symptoms of yeast infection in relation to the use of these drugs is especially significant and usually precedes a systemic Candida response. Repeated courses of antibiotics and birth control pills lead to ever increasing symptoms of mucosal infections in the vagina and gastrointestinal tract.

These infections are often the secondary result of inflamed mucous membranes caused by allergic responses to yeast products. Amongst the resultant symptoms are repeated infections of the respiratory tract, urethra and bladder. The normal procedure of prescribing antibiotics for these symptoms, frequently aggravates and perpetuates the underlying cause, if it is systemic candidiasis.

A classic symptom is depression, associated with difficulty in memory, reasoning and concentration. Loss of confidence and explosive irritability may follow. Evidently, endometriosis in women who have undergone hysterectomy is also common. A further complication is the development of multiple tolerances to food and chemicals, making it extremely difficult for the individual to lead a normal life. Once the yeast problem is brought under control, many, or all of the accompanying allergies disappear.

According to Dr William Crook, in his book The Yeast Connection, common symptoms, resulting from infection by

Candida albicans (candidiasis), are as follows:

1 Feel 'bad all over' yet the cause cannot be identified and treatment of many kinds has not helped.

2 Craving for sweets.

3 Craving for other carbohydrates such as bread and pizza.

4 Sweets either make symptoms worse or give initial relief followed by worsening.

5 Craving for alcohol.

6 Bothered by persistent or recurrent athletes food, fungus infection of the nails or 'jock itch'.

7 Feel bad on damp days or in mouldy places. Humidity also causes problems.

8 Tobacco smoke, perfumes and chemical smells make you ill.

9 Persistent and recurrent infections of the nose, throat, sinuses, ears, bronchials, bladder and kidneys.

10 Fatigue, headache or depression.

Usually these symptoms are accompanied by the following historical scenario:

1 Prolonged courses of broad-spectrum antibiotic drugs including tetracyclines, Ampicillin, amoxycillin, the cephalosporins, and sulphonamides such as septra and Bactrim.

2 Diet has contained a lot of yeast and sugar.

3 Signs of hypo glycaemia which tests fail to confirm.

4 History of taking birth control pills or other corticosteroid drugs.

5 Have had multiple pregnancies.

6 Recurrent problems affecting the reproductive organs such as abdominal pain, prostatitis, impotence, vaginal infection, premenstrual tension or irregularities.

Other recurring symptoms, such as tiredness, runny nose, canker sores, dizziness, nausea, frequent urination, irritability, numbness and tingling are experienced regularly and, in some cases, more or less constantly.

Author's Sites: Health Articles, Home Remedies and Self Help