Monday, June 30, 2008

Laryngitis - Medical and Alternative Treatments

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx, or voice box, that interferes with speech. Early symptoms include a tickling dry cough, hoarseness, and a sore throat. In more serious cases, a person may have no voice at all, and both swallowing and breathing may also be difficult. The cause is usually a viral infection that begins as a cold or sore throat and travels down to the voice box. As the vocal cords and surrounding tissues become irritated by the infection, they swell and can no longer vibrate freely to produce the sounds of speech. In young children, a similar infection may produce croup and its characteristic barking cough. Laryngitis can also result from strep throat or another bacterial infection, or from irritation caused by alcohol, very hot beverages, toxic vapors, dust, and tobacco smoke, including secondhand smoke. Screaming and yelling produce inflammation of the larynx, and such misuse of the voice can cause hoarse ness and the development of vocal cord nodules. Without treatment, these nodules can permanently distort the voice.

Diagnostic Studies And Procedures

A doctor should be consulted if the laryngitis is accompanied by a fever, becomes acutely painful, or lasts more than two weeks. He can usually gauge the cause and seriousness simply by inspecting the throat with a bright light and tongue depressor. When a physician suspects a bacterial infection, he will collect a throat sputum specimen for a laboratory culture to identify the causative organism. When closer inspection is needed, indirect laryngoscopy may be done. In this examination, a tube with fiberoptic viewing devices is inserted into the throat and a tiny camera inside takes video pictures that are projected onto a monitor. Using this apparatus, a doctor can determine whether a tumor, polyps, or nodules are causing the hoarseness. If the lower part of the larynx is to be inspected, the tongue and throat are first sprayed with a local anesthetic to prevent gagging. Biopsy samples of any growths or nodules can be collected during this examination.

Medical Treatments

Viral laryngitis does not require drug therapy, but if a bacterial infection has been diagnosed, Ampicillin, tetracycline, or another broad-spectrum anti biotic will be prescribed, typically for 10 days. Laryngitis due to vocal abuse or irritants is best treated with rest and inhalation of moistened air. A singer, actor, or public figure who must use his voice during a bout of mild laryngitis may be helped by spraying a few drops of epinephrine directly onto the vocal cords. This is especially effective in countering allergic laryngitis, the condition that plagued President Clinton during his 1992 campaign. It can, however, also produce numerous side effects, especially headaches, irregular heartbeat, and nervousness. There fore, it is not always the most suitable approach to treatment. Hoarseness due to polyps, nodules or other benign growths on the vocal cords may be treated by surgical removal of vocal cords swollen and inflamed vocal cords the growths.

Alternative Therapies

Herbal Medicine

To reduce inflammation in the larynx, herbalists advise gargling several times a day with sage tea mixed with a teaspoon of cider vinegar. Sucking on honey and eucalyptus lozenges may also help.

Speech Therapy

Professional voice training may help to prevent chronic laryngitis from overuse or misuse of the voice. This may involve learning to speak or sing at a lower pitch and learning proper breathing and voice projection techniques.

Self Treatment

Self care based on common sense is all that is needed for most cases of laryngitis. The most effective measure is to rest the vocal cords by not talking at all. You should also avoid whispering, which is even harder on vocal cords than ordinary speech, because it puts stress on the cords by forcing them together. If you must communicate by speaking instead of writing, try to use your voice as normally as possible, despite the hoarseness. Drink plenty of warm fluids. Try chewing sugarless gum to stimulate saliva flow and moisten the vocal cords. Use a coolmist humidifier to keep the air moist. Do not take cold pills that contain antihistimines. These medications have a drying effect and therefore increase hoarseness.

Other Causes of Hoarseness and Laryngitis

Smoking and heavy use of alcohol irritate the vocal cords, sometimes resulting in hoarseness. Hay fever and other allergies may also bring about hoarseness and other vocal changes.

Read more on symptoms of lymphedema. Check out for wound care products and Lymphedema bandages.

Asthma Treatment - Drugs Used In Bronchial Asthma

Who is More Likely to Suffer from Asthma?

Asthma is a worldwide disease, more common in urban than rural areas and accounts for about 25 per cent of all non-tuberculous chest diseases. It may occur at any age, but in 50 per cent of the patients, it starts before the age often. It is more common in boys than in girls, but at the age of 30 years, the incidence is equal. About 25 to 30 per cent of asthmatic children spontaneously recover during adolescence, while a few recover several years later. Asthma occurring during adult life is more serious. The attacks are more frequent and prolonged.


With the advancement in the methodology of treatment, the life expectancy of asthmatics have been considerably increased than in the past. The management of bronchial asthma includes specific treatment aimed at removal of the cause and symptomatic treatment.

Specific Treatment

If the cause of the asthma can be discovered, every effort should be made towards its removal to provide complete and permanent relief. If the patient develops symptoms of allergy, such as skin rashes, itching and pruritus and running nose the possible allergen (substance causing allergy) should be identified. Its removal is the most effective way of controlling allergic asthma. If this is not possible, desensitization by using an extract of specific allergen should be attempted. In many cases of allergic asthma, the specific allergen is not identifiable and anti�allergic drugs are tried. A few patients of seasonal asthma are benefited by temporarily moving to another town before the onset of a particular season, but this is not always feasible.

If infection is the cause, the person should protect himself from stress and strain due to extremes of weather. Frequent attacks of common cold may lead to asthma. Intensive treatment with a specific antibiotic must be instituted immediately. The most common offending organisms are Pneumococci and Haemophilus influenzae. In these infections, broad-spectrum antibiotics like amoxycillin, cefuroxime or Ampicillin are usually effective.

Symptomatic Treatment

The drugs used for providing symptomatic relief are those which prevent bronchospasms or cause broncho-dilatation. These can be divided into two groups: 1) for treatment during acute attack; and 2) for prevention and heatment of chronic asthma.

For Acute Attack

Adrenergic Beta:-Receptor Simulants: Salbutamol (Asthalin, Bronkotab, Ventrolin), Terbutaline (Bricanyl), Adrenaline

Stimulation of the adrenergic beta-receptors of the lungs causes relaxation of the bronchioles and opens up the respiratory airway. Salbutamol and terbutaline are most effective.

Salbutamol (Albuterol)

It is the most commonly used drug to produce dilatation of narrowed airways in asthma. For acute attack it is given by inhalation (patient inhales the drug by a deep inspiration with nose pinched; training is needed for optimal results). Two types of inhalers are available.


It has been the time tested' gold standard' for the termination of acute attack of bronchial asthma. However, because it disturbs the heart rhythm it is now used rarely and its use should be avoided. For the same reason Isoprenaline is not used today.

Direct-Acting Drugs: Theophylline, Aminophylline, Deriphylline

Theophylline and its preparation, aminophylline, cause dilatation of bronchioles by direct action. Aminophylline which contains theophylline and ethylenediamine as a dissolving agent, is very frequently used for providing immediate relief during an acute attack of bronchial asthma. In this condition, aminophylline is given in a well-diluted solution by the intravenous route. Theophylline is also given by the oral route along with ephedrine and other drugs, for prevention of reoccurrence of asthmatic attacks. These are discussed at the end of this chapter. Theophylline is more effective when given at night to prevent occurrence of night time attacks.

Dosage: The average oral daily dose of theophylline is 100 to 200 mg given 3 to 4 times a day. This is generally not tolerated by most patients. To provide immediate relief, aminophylline, containing 250 mg of theophylline, is diluted in 20 ml of5% glucose and injected intravenously, very slowly, over a period of 5 to 10 minutes. Deriphylline causes less gastric irritation and is better absorbed.

Adverse Effects and Precautions: Theophylline is irregularly absorbed and an effective dose given by mouth causes irritation in the gastro-intestinal tract. So it should never be taken on an empty stomach. The most common adverse effects are nausea, anorexia, and vomiting. A very quick intravenous injection of undiluted theophylline may cause a sudden fall in blood pressure, and irregular beating of heart.

Read out for Top Generic Drugs. Check out the List of Generic Drugs Available. To know about the facts of brand and generic drug equivalents.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

About the Diagnose, Treatment and Complications of Urinary Tract Infections

In order to determine if you have a urinary tract infection, you need to wash the genital area, and collect a "midstream" sample of urine in a sterile container. Then, the sample is sent to the laboratory, and the urine is examined for white and red blood cells and bacteria. Then, is performed bacteria culture, and there are made tests to see which antibiotic destroys best the bacteria.If a patient has the symptoms of a urinary tract infection and there is also pus in the urine,the doctor may suspect the patient has Chlamydia or Mycoplasma, some microbes that can be detected only with special bacterial cultures.

There can appear the situation when the infection does not clear up with treatment and it is traced to the same strain of bacteria. In this case, the doctor may perform some tests to determine if the patient's system is normal. An intravenous pyelogram is a test that consists in an opaque dye visible on x-ray film which is injected into a vein, and after that a series of X rays is taken. In this way, the doctor will see if there are any changes in the structure of the tract. Another test is cystoscopy. With the help of a cystoscope, which is an instrument made of a hollow tube with several lenses and a light source, the doctor will see inside the bladder from the urethra. The doctor may also recommend an ultrasound exam.

The drugs that are more usually prescribed when there are uncomplicated urinary tract infections are trimethoprim, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, Amoxicillin, nitrofurantoin and Ampicillin. We can also mention a class of drugs called quinolones, which include ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin and trovaFloxin.Although the uncomplicated urinary tract infections can be cleared in 1 or 2 days of treatment, the doctor recommends the patients to take antibiotics for a week or two, just to be sure the infection has passed. It is also known that the single-dose treatment is not recommended for patients who have signs of a kidney infection, for those with diabetes or structural abnormalities, or for men who have prostate infections.The patients with Mycoplasma or Chlamydia are treated with tetracycline, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole or doxycycline, and this treatment is longer.After the treatment is finished, the doctor will perform an urinalysis to see if the infection has passed.

It is known that kidney infections usually require several weeks of antibiotic treatment, and the patients that are severely ill may need hospitalization till they will be able to take fluids and needed drugs on their own.There are a lot of drugs that can relieve the pain of a urinary tract infection. The doctors may suggest the patient to drink plenty of water, in order to clean the urinary tract of bacteria; also it is good to avoid coffee, alcohol, and spicy foods, and smoking is totally forbidden.

Statistics say that women who have had three urinary tract infections have a great chance to continue developing them. A woman who has frequent recurrences can choose from some treatment options, being advised by her doctor.. She can take a single dose of an antibiotic after sexual intercourse, or a short course of antibiotics of about 1-2 days when symptoms appear, or she can take low doses of an antibiotic such as TMP/SMZ or nitrofurantoin (which are more effective if taken at bed-time, because the drug remains in the bladder longer).Doctors also suggest that in order to avoid an infection, a woman can drink a lot of water every day, urinate when she feels it is needed, cleanse the genital area before sexual intercourse, take showers instead of tub baths, and avoid using feminine hygiene sprays and scented douches which can irritate the urethra.

If a pregnant woman develops a urinary tract infection, the treatment should come promptly, to avoid complications like premature delivery of the baby and high blood pressure. It is important to know that some antibiotics are not safe during pregnancy.

Urinary tract infections often appear in men because of an obstruction, like a urinary stone, or enlarged prostate, or because of a medical procedure involving a catheter.After the doctor identifies the infecting organism, he will prescribe the necessary drugs. A longer therapy is recommended in men, in order to avoid infections of the prostate gland. It is known that prostate infections are more difficult to cure, because antibiotics cannot penetrate effectively the infected prostate tissue. In this case, a long term treatment is needed.

For more resources about kidney infection or especially about please review treatment for kidney infection please review

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Antibiotics and Superbug Development

Infections have always been with us and they have caused a lot of suffering and fear. In an attempt to deal with the bacteria which cause some infections medical science has developed antibiotics. The antibiotics were developed without consideration being given to the real underlying reasons why people were developing infections. Problems of hygiene, crowding, sanitation, toxic build up, nutrition, stress, fear, exhaustion, pre-existing diseases, drug therapy and other factors can all play their part in the development of an infection. However, when developing antibiotics the only point considered was the bacteria invading the body. No thought was given to improving and strengthening the body's natural defense mechanisms or dealing with other factors that are a part of the infection picture. The end result was a 'quick fix' in the form of a drug (like so many 'quick fix' answers in our health care system). The antibiotic was hailed as a cure for infections - the consequences of the approach taken to overcome infections were never considered.

The real consequence of antibiotic is that there is a crisis within our health care system. There are more and better hospitals, more high-tech treatments, more highly trained doctors and nurses are graduated every year and research into all aspects of disease causation and treatment continues and yet we are in crisis. Diseases, such as TB, which we thought were history are back and are often untreatable because the bacterial agents which cause the disease have become resistant to the antibiotics that have been used to control them. Antibiotics are no longer working on many extremely dangerous bacteria or they only work in doses that that cause serious side effects. The development of these antibiotic resistant 'superbugs' is in the order of a crisis.

In the years following the introduction of antibiotics they were (and still are) used for the treatment of common colds and flu and other complaints. Antibiotics, such as tetracycline were used (and still are) over long periods of time for the treatment of acne. Ampicillin and Bactrim were used for the wrong reasons and there has been a reliance on antibiotics to treat recurrent bladder infections, chronic ear infections, chronic sinusitis, chronic bronchitis and non-bacterial sore throats. Relying on antibiotics to treat these conditions does not make sense for two reasons:

- Antibiotics do not provide significant benefits or shorten the length of the illness.

- These conditions can be effectively treated using natural methods.

Effective natural methods of treating common infectious conditions needs to be used widely, so the health crisis that exist does not continue to take hold.

The UK office of health Economics in 1997 (cited in Chaitow) reported the following statistics:

- 5,000 people are being killed every year (in UK hospitals alone) by infections that they caught in hospital.

- A further 15,000 deaths are being contributed to by the infections that they caught in hospital.

- One in 16 patients who goes to hospital for anything will develop a 'hospital acquired infection'.

- Many of the infections acquired involve the difficult to treat 'superbugs'.

- USA figures published more than a decade ago show that 1 in 10 patients develops an infection that they caught in hospital - this involves around 2.5 million people every year.

- Every year 20,000 of these people die from their infections and the deaths of a further 60,000 are contributed to by the hospital acquired infection - a large number of these involve antibiotic resistant 'superbugs'.

This is only the beginning of the story - but a great deal of preventable damage has been done. To put a stop to the damage it is necessary to significantly reduce the use of antibiotics. Fortunately there are alternatives to antibiotics available in natural therapies. It is also possible to improve your immune system - so that you are less likely to develop an infection. The place to start is with a detoxification of your body. Toxins are a major burden on your immune system and while they are in your body it is less able to fight invading micro-organisms. Get your copy of Safe Colon Cleansing and find out how to boost your immunity and reduce your reliance on antibiotics.


Chaitow, L. 1998, Natural Alternatives to Antibiotics. Thorsons.

Dr Jenny Tylee is an experienced health professional who is passionate about health and wellbeing. She believes that health is not just absence of disease and seeks to actively promote vitality and wellness through empowering others. She encourages people to improve their health by quitting smoking, cleansing their body, taking essential vitamin and mineral supplement and many other methods, including herbal remedies and creative visualization. Visit Dr Jenny's blog and join her newsletter for more quality information.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Symptoms of Candidiasis

An exhaustive investigation into the patient's history may uncover a pattern and range of symptoms which will lead to an accurate diagnosis of candidiasis. This procedure can be carried out by any competent medical doctor, yet in Australia it is almost impossible to find a doctor who will do this. There are signs that doctors are slowly becoming more interested in the symptoms of candidiasis. Hopefully, the result will be greater awareness of candidiasis in Australia, and of the fact that a previously unknown, systemic form of this disease is causing a lot of people chronic allergy illness.

Historical examination will show the influence of birth control pills, antibiotics and cortisone and other immunosuppressant drugs. The onset of local symptoms of yeast infection in relation to the use of these drugs is especially significant and usually precedes a systemic Candida response. Repeated courses of antibiotics and birth control pills lead to ever increasing symptoms of mucosal infections in the vagina and gastrointestinal tract.

These infections are often the secondary result of inflamed mucous membranes caused by allergic responses to yeast products. Amongst the resultant symptoms are repeated infections of the respiratory tract, urethra and bladder. The normal procedure of prescribing antibiotics for these symptoms, frequently aggravates and perpetuates the underlying cause, if it is systemic candidiasis.

A classic symptom is depression, associated with difficulty in memory, reasoning and concentration. Loss of confidence and explosive irritability may follow. Evidently, endometriosis in women who have undergone hysterectomy is also common. A further complication is the development of multiple tolerances to food and chemicals, making it extremely difficult for the individual to lead a normal life. Once the yeast problem is brought under control, many, or all of the accompanying allergies disappear.

According to Dr William Crook, in his book The Yeast Connection, common symptoms, resulting from infection by

Candida albicans (candidiasis), are as follows:

1 Feel 'bad all over' yet the cause cannot be identified and treatment of many kinds has not helped.

2 Craving for sweets.

3 Craving for other carbohydrates such as bread and pizza.

4 Sweets either make symptoms worse or give initial relief followed by worsening.

5 Craving for alcohol.

6 Bothered by persistent or recurrent athletes food, fungus infection of the nails or 'jock itch'.

7 Feel bad on damp days or in mouldy places. Humidity also causes problems.

8 Tobacco smoke, perfumes and chemical smells make you ill.

9 Persistent and recurrent infections of the nose, throat, sinuses, ears, bronchials, bladder and kidneys.

10 Fatigue, headache or depression.

Usually these symptoms are accompanied by the following historical scenario:

1 Prolonged courses of broad-spectrum antibiotic drugs including tetracyclines, Ampicillin, amoxycillin, the cephalosporins, and sulphonamides such as septra and Bactrim.

2 Diet has contained a lot of yeast and sugar.

3 Signs of hypo glycaemia which tests fail to confirm.

4 History of taking birth control pills or other corticosteroid drugs.

5 Have had multiple pregnancies.

6 Recurrent problems affecting the reproductive organs such as abdominal pain, prostatitis, impotence, vaginal infection, premenstrual tension or irregularities.

Other recurring symptoms, such as tiredness, runny nose, canker sores, dizziness, nausea, frequent urination, irritability, numbness and tingling are experienced regularly and, in some cases, more or less constantly.

Author's Sites: Health Articles, Home Remedies and Self Help

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Analogies Between Every-Day-Life Stress And Peptic Ulcer

The long-disputed idea that gastric and duodenal ulcer is mainly caused by stress was struggled by two medical doctors and scientists studies who discovered the existence of an acid-resistant bacteria. Helicobacter pylori is capable to resist and breed in an acid environment; it belongs to class A of pre-cancerous stages as it is known to produces some of the most dangerous forms of gastric and duodenal cancer.

After the huge discovery of Helicobacter doctors considered all forms of ulcer were caused by bacterial infection and stopped studying the emotional factors. A medication combining Metronidazole, an anti-parasite antibiotic and Ampicillin took over the sketch of medication and patients suffering from ulcer seemed to get quickly better.

In spite of these discoveries studies around the world population have pointed out that stress affects gastric secretion and injures the stomach mucous more than H. Pylori. Although infected, some people never show clinical signs of ulcer; on the other side people feeling stressed are twice more likely to develop ulcer then the ones considered stress-free. Also, ulcer cases seemed to multiply after natural disasters such as earthquakes or floods when an increased number of people accused clinical signs of gastric pains and digestive hemorrhages.

To be able to establish a complete diagnosis of a particular case a physician must necessarily search for both psychological and physical determinant factors. The term of "Illness" is relative as every case of ulcer is special; every patient is different, with his own lifestyle and his personal eating and relaxing habits.

Beside ulcer, stress can also cause high blood pressure, diabetes or asthma, especially in patients with difficult work-environments or family problems. For treating gastric and duodenal ulcer a doctor must consider advising his patients to improve their lives on both physical and emotional scale. A physician should always be a good psychiatrist as he needs to treat bodies as well as minds.

Although an antibiotic treatment is most necessary to control signs and symptoms, a doctor must ask the patient about his own level of stress at home or at work. Even when well treated, with the right antibiotics, ulcer always shows relapses after a period of time.

Stress can be caused by internal factors as well as by external ones like a stressful marriage, use of drugs or alcohol.

A program of physical exercises, meditations or therapeutic baths and massages will surely improve the psychological condition of the patients. Also a cure of homeopathic products and natural-based food can increase the body's performances. Food supplements like deglycyrrinizated licorice which helps stomach wounds to heal or Aloe Vera that decreases inflammation and supports healing, can make things look better.

For treating a disease you must first understand it. Accepting both physical and emotional factors as potential causes for any illness might help you cure any kind of affection better. Examine the nervous and immune system together with the disturbing area can bring sometimes huge satisfactions. This is why accepting stress as a potential cause for ulcer is very important for a successful treatment.

More information about ulcer Symptoms or about Peptic ulcer can be found on this website

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Treating Vaginal Yeast Infection

Yeast infection or candidiasis is fungal infection that is commonly

caused by an organism called candida albicans. There is no scientific

evidence that yeast infection is a sexually transmitted disease. Women are

the ones affected from this kind of infection, although some men have

experienced yeast infection. The overgrowth of the Candida albicans

fungus is likely occurs quite harmlessly in the mouth, digestive track,

skin, bowels, and to your vagina.


One of the most common symptoms of yeast infection to women is having

the thick and white discharge from the vagina. Other symptoms of

infection to women includes, severe itching and burning of the vagina, painful

urination and intercourse, redness and swelling of the vulva, and

uneasines during or after sexual intercourse.

On the other hand, the symptom of yeast infection to men includes the

burning sensation of the penis and during intercourse, and severe

itching and pain.

Causes of infection

The causes of yeast infection includes: medicines that contain steroid,

antibiotics, being diabetic, using birth control pill, hormonal charge

due to menstrual cycle or pregnancy, frequently wearing tight pants or

panty hose, and douching.


There are treatments available now such as over-the-counter-solutions,

the alternative and drug-free treatments.

You can use the over-the-counter medication for your strong medication

against the yeast infection. There are many anti-fungal vaginal

medications available to treat yeast infection. These medications are consists

of anti-fungal creams, anti-fungal suppositories, and anti-fungal

tablets. All of these medications are sold over the counter which requires

a prescription. The medication comes from either applying the cream or

insert the suppository for one, there, or seven days depending on which

medication you have.

On the other hand, you can also have medication through natural

treatment. All you have to do is to look for acidophilus tablets to kill off

the yeast. There is also the natural yogurt available that contains live

acidophilus bacteria. You can apply this yogurt containing the

bacteria directly to your vagina. Other natural solution includes Boric acid

or Borax, cranberries, garlic, hydrogen peroxide, potassium sorbate,

teatree oil, and Vitaklenz,

Dietary changes are also a great way in treating a yeast infection.

These includes eating fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, poultry, flax

seed, whole grains, essential fatty acids (olive oil and nuts); and

drinking plenty of water. You must also avoid drinking alcohol, eating junk

foods, animal fats, processed foods, sugar, caffeine, and white flour



Practicing a clean personal hygiene is still the best treatment to from

having a yeast infection.

Among the first prevention of getting a yeast infection are: keeping

your vaginal area always clean, wearing underpants or pantyhose with a

cotton crotch and make sure to wipe after using the toilet; use your own

towels and washcloths; avoid using scented soap, bath oils, bubble

baths, deodorant soaps, feminine hygiene sprays, and perfume soaps; avoid

clothing that is tight in the crotch.

It is also known to increase the growth of yeast colonies in using

spectrum antibiotics such as Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Bactrim, Ceclor,

Keflex, and Sepra.

For more information visit Remedies for yeast infection and Natural cure for yeast infection

Urinary Tract Infection Trouble?

One of the finer points in life often disregarded by healthy and fit individuals is the ability to flush out a regular stream of urine. An unimpaired urinary tract would come highly appreciated by those inflicted with a urinary tract infection or UTI. Imagine all the typical discomforts related to bladder infections such as having to endure a burning sensation while passing urine, severe back and pelvic pain, and uncomfortable fullness with the rectum while managing to leak mere dribbles of urine despite the undeniable urge to pee. In severe types of UTI, the infection manifests in the form of fever, nausea, and vomiting.

For people diagnosed with UTI the cause of the infection may be hard to identify for some time; an oversight in systemic and bodily hygiene would most probably be the cause for the disease. Drinking less than the recommended intake of water per day pampers the bacteria found in the intestine to flourish and infect the urethra, instead of being flushed along with urine. For sexually active individuals, disregarding the hygienic practice of washing the genitals before and after copulation could infect the otherwise uninfected partner. Contraceptives and condoms can cause UTI in women. Of course, one cannot discount the fact that underlying organ problems such as an enlarged prostate in men; parasites, and other viruses can also trigger a urinary tract infection. Recent medical studies reveal that instances of UTI can likewise be attributed to the intake of water and dairy products contaminated with the E-coli bacteria.

The immediate concern for any person who contracts a bladder infection is to be relieved from the discomforts relevant to the disease. As a matter of convention, physicians prescribe antibiotics like Amoxicillin and Ampicillin to exterminate the pathogens causing UTI. As a form of prevention, patients are advised to drink cranberry juice on a regular basis; cranberry is found to contain organic substances that inhibit the attachment of bacteria to the urethra, or the bladder, that causes the infection. Nowadays, people are more predisposed to the use of herbal remedies prepared by expert herbalists, being wary of the side effects typical with antibiotics, including recurring bladder infections, that would require larger doses of more powerful antibiotics to subdue the harmful effects of urinary tract pathogens. Herbal remedies are formulated with an effective blend of potent herbal extracts that work to exterminate bacteria that cause UTI, and promote systemic wellness to prevent the recurrence of urinary tract infection, in the future.

Do not take the healthy functioning of your urinary bladders for granted. If you do not want to endure the burdens of a urinary tract infection, better imbibe the necessary dietary and hygienic practices. And in case you are inflicted with the disease already, try to get by with a regular dose of herbal remedies. It will do more than just cure the discomforts.

Bruce Maul is a partner in Goldf Flax Seed, Inc. which provides only top quality Flax Seed, Herbal Remedies and other health related products. Learn more about Herbal Remedies by visiting

Monday, June 23, 2008

Natural Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis

Any woman can develop a case of Bacterial Vaginosis or BV. BV is not an infection. It is an inflammation which occurs in the vagina when there is an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria and an organism called Gardnerella. If you are amongst the people who suffer from it, you may wonder what you should take to take away the irritating itch or the unbearable burning sensation or the unpleasant musky vaginal odor. Maybe you have tried every possible medical and prescribed treatment but you just can't seem to find the right cure for it. Have you ever thought about the option of seeking natural cures for BV?

Here are some reasons why you should consider curing your BV naturally:

a) BV is conventionally treated with a prescription antibiotics taken either orally or vaginally and may include Ampicillin, Ceftriaxone, Clindamycin, Tetracycline or Metronidazole. These antibiotics tend to kill all the bacteria in the vagina including the good bacteria. While the initial success rates are pretty good for these antibiotics, there is approximately a 30% chance that it will have recurrence within six months of treatment. On the other hand, natural cures for BV which involved making some changes to one's diet, the use of vitamin supplements, herbal products and home remedy methods have proven equally effective but with very few or no recurrence at all.

b) Repeated use of these antibiotics may cause the bacteria in the vagina to develop resistance to the drugs and this may give rise to some strains of highly resistant bacteria. Once this happen, the effectiveness of the antibiotics will be reduced and recurrence of BV will occur more frequently. This may subsequently cause more complications and even lead to infertility or into some other forms of more serious infection. Such scenario will not happen if it is treated using natural treatment, products or cure.

c) Medical treatment of BV, which normally includes the consultation, vaginal cream or gel, and antibiotic capsules, will cost you anything between $250 to $500 for a complete antibiotic treatment. This is not a small amount by any standard. Repeated treatments due to recurrences of the BV will further strained your financial situation. This situation will not happen if it is treated naturally. The herbal products and home remedy methods used to treat it will cost you only a few dollars to purchase or prepare.

BV affects between 10% to 64% of the female population at any given time. If it is left untreated, it can cause more serious symptom and even lead to infertility or a potentially serious condition called Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Hence its is better for you to treat your Bacterial Vaginosis early than to regret later.

If you want to learn more about Natural Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis then visit

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Is Clostridium the Latest Super-Bug?

In 2007 the news was filled with reports about MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, the scary skin-eating bacterium that was being reported in dozens of schools and gyms across the US and the UK.

In 2008, however, the emerging story is Clostridium dificile, the under-reported but potentially life-threatening infectious agent that infects:

  • Up to 3,000,000 people every year in the USA alone, and
  • Approximately 21 per cent of people admitted to a hospital,
  • Killing up to 25 per cent of the very young or very old who develop symptoms.
Tens of millions of people carry Clostridium infections in their colons. Even though this bacterium emits two different kinds of toxins, one that dissolves cells lining the intestine and one that paralyzes them, it is usually harmless.

That's because beneficial bacteria ordinarily keep Clostridium in check. When the "good" bacteria are killed by antibiotics, however, the "bad" bacteria can multiply, release their toxins, and cause intense damage.

Certain antibiotics are far more likely to induce this infection than others. Specifically, the greatest risk is from treatment with:

Penicillin, erythromycin, azithromycin, and clarithromycin are less likely to induce infection, but even a single dose of antibiotic can trigger bacterial overgrowth, including antibiotics used to treat the disease! And since the means of transmission is fecal-oral, it's especially disturbing that the most common place to get this infection is a hospital.

What are the symptoms of this super-bug? Particularly if you've been admitted to hospital any time from 72 hours to 2 months ago, pay special attention to mild to moderate diarrhea (usually not bloody), fever, abdominal cramping, loss of appetite, and fatigue.

The greatest danger of infection is found in patients who are placed on feeding tubes. Spores from the bacterium can literally float in the air of the hospital room, and leaving the cans of liquid food supplements open before placing them into the feeding tube tremendously increases the risk of contamination.

Even relatively healthy people who feed themselves, however, can be get Clostridium infection in the hospital, and about 20 per cent do. Frequent hospital visitors should also exercise caution.

In its earlier stages, Clostridium infection is hard to distinguish from other "stomach bugs." But because this bacterium can go on to cause dehydration, perforation of the colon, and peritonitis, it's very important to see a physician--or to alert your attending physician--if these symptoms appear after taking antibiotics.

You can also read about A Natural Therapy for Clostridium Clinically Proven to Work at Robert Rister's Savvy Natural Healer website.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Acne Treatment - Get a Smooth Skin For Sure

Teen girls are emotionally concerned about their skin. Acne treatment is three layered, depending on the stubbornness of them, although it is not so in all the cases. Milder acne in early teens generally goes off even without any treatment, while the persistent eruptions in mid teens or later may require a line of treatment. Three stages of acne treatment are as follows,

1. Topical Acne Treatment

2. Systemic Therapy

3. Alternative Medicine

Topical Treatment of Acne

Topical treatment of acne has evolved a lot in the past years. What generally used to be a peeling agent, with incipients such as resorcinol, lactic acid, salicylic acid and sulphur is now redundant and more effective preparations with retinoic acid in varying percentages are effectively employed more.

Retinoic acid is available in ointment and cream bases for topical application generally in 0.05% concentration. Your doctor may advise you to apply it on dry skin rather than wet as wet skin has a potency to absorb more retinoic acid which cause irritation, erythema and sometimes exfoliation. This concentration is enough in dealing with black heads too, as black heads soften under retinoic acid but you may have to avoid exposure to Sun.

For better feeling with acne, consider using creams or ointments with milder concentrations of retinoic acid (0.025%) initially with benzoyl peroxide preferably on alternate days, unless under medical advice, and gradually increase to 0.5% concentration in a couple of weeks' time. Here is an advice; apply the cream/ointment over the entire area for better results than on the visible lesions.

Systemic Therapy (Internal Therapy)

Your doctor may decide on systemic therapy when

1. Sustained topical treatment hasn't yielded results

2. Systemic therapy is more effective on back and chest acne

3. Skin is sensitive to topical treatments followed by irritations and redness

Minocycline, Erythromycin and Tetracycline are commonly used antibiotics in acne treatment and occasionally CoTrimoxazole. Initial dosage for Tetracycline is 1gm/day which is enough to reduce the Pripriono Acnes and inflammation. In rare cases the dosage may be increased to 2gm/day. But mind you, Tetracycline should be taken on empty stomach if not advised to the contrary.

Ampicillin and Isotretinoin are also used with the former showing results in 4-6 weeks and followed-up by topical antibiotic. Minocycline 50-100mg/day is found more effective than Tetracycline in which it takes on irritation, and stubborn acne.

You respond better to antibiotics in ages past teens as acne has already begun resolving.

Warning: Oral Isotretinoin is dangerous for pregnant women for the dangers of high teratogenic effects (deformation of embryo.)

Jeff Van Persie is a regular article contributor on many topics. Be sure to visit his websites Acne Treatment, Black Skin Treatment and One Stop Information.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Medications for Crohn's Disease

Thanks to research and development there are several drugs that have been approved and are being used to help Crohn's patients deal with the symptoms of Crohn's and give them a better quality of life and new and better ones are on the horizon.

Prescription Drugs:

1. Anti-inflammatory drugs: These drugs contain sulfasalazine and oral formulations of mesalamine. Some of the brands are Asacol,(R) Colazal,.(R) Dipentum,(R) and Pentasa,(R).

2. Steroids: Because of the side-effects caused by long term use of steroids, they are only used for short term symptom relief.

3. Immune Suppressing Drugs: Drugs such as Imuran(R)), 6-MP Purinethol(R)) are used to suppress the immune system to prevent it from attacking healthy tissue in the digestive system.

4. Antibiotics: Antibiotics such as metronidazole, Ampicillin and Ciprofloxacin are sometimes prescribed to reduce inflammation and infection.

5. Infliximab: This drug was approved in 1998 and is the first biologic therapy approved for use for Crohn's. Remicade(R) is one brand. It was first only approved for use in patients who had not responded to other treatments but in 2002 it was approved for maintaining remission. It is given by IV infusion.

Over-the-counter Drugs:

*Note: No over-the-counter drugs should be used until you check with your doctor first.

1. Hemorrhoid Medications: Some of the over-the-counter hemorrhoid medications can help to relieve discomfort.

2. Antacids: Some of these meds can soothe the digestive tract.

3. Anti-diarrhea medications: Immodium is an example.

Herbal Supplements:

*Note: No herbal supplements should be used before checking with your doctor for possible adverse interactions with your prescription medications.

1. Yarrow - works as a blood purifier, and helps stop internal bleeding.

2. Cats Claw - a traditional South American Indian treatment for dysentery and gastric ulcers.

3. Chamomile - known for its relaxing qualities, this soothing herb is usually found in teas.

4. Licorice - one of the oldest known herbal remedies, having been mentioned in writings as far back as 300 B.C., and this kind of licorice is different than that of flavored candies. This herb has a 2000-year history of helping to shrink swelling in the intestines.

5. Aloe - older than even licorice, aloe has been used to soothe pain and irritation for over 3500 years. It contains at least three anti-inflammatory fatty acids that aid in digestion and relieving the pain of Crohn's disease.

This article has been prepared by more articles and to download your FREE copy of "The Crohn's Disease Handbook" please visit:

Relafen: A New Drug with an Old Danger

Individuals who regularly take Relafen (nabumetone) or other anti-inflammatory medications, either for arthritis, joint pain, or other indications, should be aware of severe adverse health implications that can potentially result from prolonged use. Relafen is usually prescribed for osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis to reduce pain, inflammation, and stiffness, but can also be prescribed for other purposes. Relafen works by reducing the level of hormones in the body that can cause pain and inflammation. In addition to the warnings provided with the packaging of the medication and those related by a physician, there are other important concerns that users of Relafen should know about.

A severe adverse reaction called Stevens-Johnson Syndrome has been linked to use of the drug Relafen. Relafen is in a class of drugs known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) that have been linked to allergic skin reactions, including severe cases such as Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. Other possible allergic reactions include urticaria, dyspnea, anaphylaxis, and the severe symptoms associated with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome.

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome is a severe allergic reaction to certain drugs. In addition to NSAIDs, antibiotics such as sulfonamides, tetracycline, Amoxicillin, and Ampicillin have been implicated. The symptoms of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome typically begin as some form of upper respiratory infection, including also fever, sore throat, inflammation of the mouth, chills, headaches, aching of the joints, and generally feeling ill. After onset, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome will continue to develop, affecting the various mucous membranes of the body, including the mouth, esophagus, nostrils, eyes, genitals, and anal regions. Lesions may develop and the skin may blister or even detach in severe cases.

If any of these symptoms lead to the belief that the onset of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome is occurring, immediate treatment is imperative. Sufferers of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome should be transported to an emergency room immediately, and will likely be treated in a intensive care burn unit. Even after treatment, long-term effects of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome can include scarring, eye and vision problems, and even death. Some studies predict a 3-15% mortality rate in individuals with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome if left untreated. Any individuals with a known family history of adverse drug reactions, even if minor, should carefully consult with their physicians before taking Relafen or other anti-inflammatory drugs. Above all, it is crucial to be fully aware of all risks associated with the use of any drug.

For more information regarding Relafen (nabumetone)/Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, please click here

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Do You Really Have a Penicillin Allergy?

Ask any doctor or pharmacist how many of their patients report a penicillin allergy, and you'll find an astoundingly high number of self-reported penicillin allergic patients. As much as 10% of the population says they have a penicillin allergy. But this number appears to be falsely high.

A true penicillin allergy may consist of symptoms including rash, hives, itchiness and most concerning are the symptoms of anaphylaxis: swelling of the mouth or throat, difficulty breathing and a drop in blood pressure. The latter symptoms often come on quickly and can be fatal if not treated swiftly.

Symptoms such as stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or headache unaccompanied by the symptoms above usually are not related to allergy, but more due to actual side effects of the drug. If you have experienced these symptoms with a penicillin or related antibiotic, you probably do not have to avoid these antibiotics in the future.

Since many people may not know the difference between an allergy and a side effect, it is essential to tell your health care provider what types of symptoms you experienced when you had the "allergy". This way the health care team will know how best to treat you if you have an infection. If it is not a true penicillin allergy, the medical team may not have to resort to a drug that kills a wide range of bacteria (increases resistance) or a drug that is much more expensive (increases wastage of money)!

Having said all this, what is the actual incidence of penicillin allergy? Surprisingly, it's only 1-2% of all people! This is determined by skin testing, which can be performed if you are uncertain of the nature of your allergy, or if you don't know if you are still allergic to a given drug.

There are many drugs related to penicillin:

Cloxacillin, Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, piperacillin are just a few close relatives that should be avoided if you have a true penicillin allergy.

Other more distant relatives include drugs called Cephalosporins, that begin with "Ceph-" or "Cef-", such as cephalexin, cefuroxime, cefixime, cefoxitin. If you are truly allergic to a penicillin, there is still a small (around 1-2%) chance of reacting to these drugs, depending on the specific drug. Other drugs that may cause an allergy if you are penicillin-allergic include meropenem, imipenem, and ertapenem. Cross reactivity between penicillins and aztreonam is rare.

In summary, if you are unsure whether you have a penicillin allergy, the chances low that you actually do. But the only way to be certain is if you've had symptoms of anaphylaxis to a penicillin, or have tested positive on a penicillin allergy skin test.

Brad Langford, RPh, ACPR, is a Pharmacist, practicing in Toronto, Canada.For more information or to ask a medication question visit

Monday, June 16, 2008

Understanding Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial Vaginosis is the most common vaginal infection of American women. Also known as Gardnerella-associated Vaginitis or just Vaginitis, the condition results from an overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina.

If you have Bacterial Vaginosis, you might notice signs like discharge, odor, itching, burning or pain. Women suffering from Bacterial Vaginosis often notice a strong fishy or unpleasant musky odor particularly after sexual intercourse. Additionally, you may notice more discharge than normal, and the discharge can be thin and of a white or gray color. Many women with the infection feel itching or irritation. However, some women don't have any signs of Bacterial Vaginosis at all. In fact, experts say that more than 50 percent of women with Bacterial Vaginosis have no symptoms at all.

Though Bacterial Vaginosis is listed as a sexually transmitted disease by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the disease is considered a mild infection and the actual cause of the disease is not known. Though you can't catch it from someone, women who have not had sex are rarely affected by Bacterial Vaginosis. However, women with multiple sex partners or are currently with a new sex partner are more likely to develop the infection.

To understand how Bacterial Vaginosis might occur, one needs to understand how the natural flora function in the vagina. In the vagina, there is a greater balance of what's considered to be good bacteria. These bacteria are of the same type that you might eat in yogurt-lactobacilli. Also present are the bad bacteria, but the good bacteria keep them in balance. When Bacterial Vaginosis occurs, the balance of power shifts toward the bad bacteria as they overtake the natural good bacteria flora.

If you think you have Bacterial Vaginosis, you must seek treatment from your doctor. If the infection is left untreated, it can spread up into the uterus or fallopian tubes and cause a more serious infection. For pregnant women, treatment is especially important because the infection can travel up into the uterus.

Diagnosis is made by your doctor by both physical exam and laboratory test. On the physical exam, the doctor can observe the irritation and discharge as well as smell the odor. The laboratory test will determine the presence of the bad bacteria, Gardnerella, and the lack of lactobacilli, the good bacteria.

Treatment includes an antibiotic regimen taken either orally or vaginally and may include Ampicillin, Ceftriaxone, Clindamycin, Tetracycline or Metronidazole.

Kristi Patrice Carter is an experienced health writer and the author of Beating Bacterial Vaginosis for Good! (A comprehensive eBook that teaches women how to successfully overcome Bacterial Veginosis). For additional information, please visit

Learn more about Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Perfect Cure for Acid Reflux?

Protonix - Acid Reflux is History With Protonix!

Acid reflux is one of the most common health conditions that can bother someone day or night. Actually it is known that hyper-acidity can be significantly worse when you lie down, so for many people, eating and sleeping could be a total nightmare.

Protonix Information

Protonix is part of a group of drugs known as proton pump inhibitors that actually lower the amount of gastric juice secreted by the stomach. Many doctors prescribe it for various conditions that are related to hyper-acidity.

Administered in cases of esophagitis and the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, Protonix has proved extremely successful even for the most deteriorated of conditions. However, in order to increase the efficiency of this medication you will definitely need to stick to a healthy antacid diet.

Some ailments require long-term administration of Protonix, but you'll have to learn on the pros and cons in the impact this drug can have on the overall health given the fact that it is not free of side effects.

In case you have already used Protonix for quite some time, you should take some blood tests and see where your mineral and vitamin levels stand. For instance, it is well known that you may develop a deficiency in the absorption of B-12 vitamin and slowly show the signs specific to it: pale skin, tiredness, fast heartbeat or shortness of breath.

Warnings and Precaution Measures

Some drugs are likely to interfere with Protonix so either these or the Protonix ought to be avoided. If taken together, one or both of the drugs might not work properly.

Blood thinners are likely to interfere with Protonix

Several types of antibiotics might be less efficient if taken with Protonix - one example is Ampicillin which is often used to treat minor infections

Protonix can also affect certain anemia treatments which work by iron supplementation, making them less efficient

Your doctor might alter dosages if you need to take Protonix in combination with any of the drugs mentioned above. This will reduce your risk of side effects.

Adverse reactions to Protonix can include allergic responses, such as swelling, hives or a skin rash. Other side effects might be vomiting, nausea or digestive symptoms like gas, bloating or diarrhea.0

Arthur R. Anderson is known as an avid researcher of health and wellness products and dedicates a large amount of his time running his website where he takes a deeper look into the health benefits and possible risks of medicaments such as such as Protonix.For an in depth reviews of Heart Burn products, life saving tips and special offers visit Arthur's site at:

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Penicillin Antibiotics Classification - Uses and Side Effects

Antibiotics are specific chemical substances derived from or produced by living organisms that are capable of inhibiting the life processes of other organisms. Penicillins are a group of closely related antibiotics used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections occurring in the body.

Penicillin, the world's first antibiotic, was discovered by British scientist Alexander Fleming in 1928 on accident. The penicillins were the first antibiotics discovered as natural products from the mold Penicillium.

Over the years, this family of antibiotics has grown, and the antimicrobial activity has expanded. Today there are at least 20 kinds of penicillin antibiotics. However, despite the discovery of many new antibiotics, the penicillins have remained a primary choice for treatment of a wide variety of bacterial infections. They are used to treat ear, nose and throat infections, respiratory and urinary tract infections, prostate infections, and certain sexually transmitted diseases.

Penicillins disadvantages:

  • acid lability - most of these drugs are destroyed by gastric acid
  • short duaration of action - because of this short half-life, the penicillins must be administered at short intervals, usually every 4 hours
  • lack of activity against most Gram-negative organisms
  • drug hypersensivity - about 10% of population has allergy
  • many patients experience GI upset
  • painful if given intramuscularly

Penicillins advantages:

  • bactericidal against sensitive strains
  • relatively nontoxic
  • have excellent tissue penetration
  • efficacious in the treatment of infections
  • relatively inexpensive in comparison with other antibiotics.

Newer penicillins are resistant to stomach acid, such as penicillin V, or have a broader spectrum, such as Ampicillin and Amoxicillin.

Classification of Penicillins

There are 4 classes of penicillins, based upon their ability to kill various types of bacteria. From narrow to broad range of effectiveness they include:

  • Natural Penicillins (Penicillin G, Procaine, Penicillin G, Penicillin V, Benzathine). The natural penicillins were the first agents in the penicillin family to be introduced for clinical use. The natural penicillins are based on the original penicillin-G structure. They are effective against gram-positive strains of streptococci, staphylococci, and some gram-negative bacteria such as meningococcus. Penicillin V is the drug of choice for the treatment of streptococcal pharyngitis. It is also useful for anaerobic coverage in patients with oral cavity infections.
  • Penicillinase-Resistant Penicillins (Cloxacillin, Dicloxacillin, Methicillin, Nafcillin, Oxacillin). Methicillin was the first member of this group, followed by oxacillin, nafcillin, cloxacillin and dicloxacillin. The penicillinase-resistant penicillins have a more narrow spectrum of activity than the natural penicillins. Their antimicrobial efficacy is aimed directly against penicillinase-producing strains of gram-positive cocci, particularly Staphylococcal species and these drugs are sometimes called anti-staphylococcal penicillins.
  • Aminopenicillins (Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, BacAmpicillin). The aminopenicillins were the first penicillins discovered to be active against gram-negative bacteria (such as E. coli and H. influenzae). Aminopenicillins are acid-resistant so administered orally. Orally administered Amoxicillin and Ampicillin are used primarily to treat mild infections such as otitis media, sinusitis, bronchitis, urinary tract infections and bacterial diarrhea. Amoxicillin is the agent of choice for the treatment of otitis media.
  • Extended Spectrum Penicillins (sometimes called anti-pseudomonal penicillins). Extended Spectrum Penicillins include both alpha-carboxypenicillins (carbenicillin and ticarcillin) and acylaminopenicillins (piperacillin, azlocillin, and mezlocillin). These agents have similar spectrums of activity as the aminopenicillins but with additional activity against several gram negative organisms of the family Enterobacteriaceae, including many strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Like the aminopenicillins, these agents are susceptible to inactivation by beta-lactamases. These agents may be used alone or in combination with Aminoglycosides.

Mode of action

All penicillin derivatives produce their bacteriocidal effects by inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis. Penicillins prevent bacteria from using a substance that is necessary for the maintenance of the bacteria�s outer cell wall. Unable to use this substance for cell wall maintenance, the bacteria swell, rupture, assume unusual shapes, and finally die.

The penicillins may be bactericidal (kill the bacteria) or bacteriostatic (stop the growth of bacteria). They are bactericidal against sensitive microorganisms provided there is an adequate concentration of penicillin in the body. An inadequate concentration of penicillin may produce bacteriostatic activity, which may or may not control the infection.

Conditions treated with penicillins, indications & uses

Penicillins may be used to treat infections such as urinary tract infections, septicemia, meningitis, intra-abdominal infection, gonorrhea, syphilis, pneumonia, respiratory infections, ear, nose and throat infections, skin and soft tissue infections. Examples of infectious microorganisms (bacteria) that may respond to penicillin therapy include gonococci, staphylococci, streptococci, and pneumococci.

Penicillins are used to prevent bacterial infection before, during and after surgery and to prevent Group A streptococcus ("strep") infections in people with a history of rheumatic heart disease.

Most penicillins work best when taken on an empty stomach (either one hour before meals or two hours after) with an 8-ounce glass of water. The water helps prevent the medicine from irritating the delicate lining of the esophagus and stomach. However, some types of penicillin can be taken on either a full or empty stomach. These include Amoxicillin, penicillin V, and the tablet form of bacAmpicillin.

Penicillins work best when there is a constant amount circulating in the body. So it's important not to miss a dose. Also, it's best to take doses at evenly spaced intervals, both day and night.

Side effects

Although most penicillins are safe for the majority of people, some people may experience side effects.

Allergic or hypersensitivity reactions are thought to be the most frequently occurring side effect. An estimated 3-10% of the general population are allergic to penicillin. Once an individual is allergic to one penicillin, he or she is most likely allergic to all of the penicillins. Those allergic to penicillin also have a higher incidence of allergy to the cephalosporin antibiotics.

The most serious allergic reaction is anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction that can cause skin rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, shock, and unconsciousness. An early sign of anaphylaxis is a feeling of warmth and flushing. If any of these occurs, the medicine should be stopped and emergency help sought immediately. Anaphylactic shock occurs more frequently after parenteral administration but can occur with oral use.

Other most common side effects are mild diarrhea, vomiting, headache, vaginal itching and discharge, sore mouth or tongue, or white patches in the mouth or on the tongue. These problems usually go away as the body adjusts to the drug and do not require medical treatment unless they continue or they are bothersome. Occasionally, certain types of penicillin may cause the tongue to darken or discolor. This condition is temporary and will go away when the medicine is stopped.

On rare occasions some types of penicillin may cause severe abdominal or stomach cramps, pain, or bloating or severe or bloody diarrhea. Other rare side effects include fever, increased thirst, severe nausea or vomiting, unusual tiredness or weakness, weight loss, seizures, or unusual bleeding or bruising.

More information about antibiotic medications is available on author's website -

Friday, June 13, 2008

Treatments For Urinary Tract Infections

UTI or urinary tract infections represent a problem for the urinary system because the most important organ of this system can be affected. Kidneys are a pair of organs that help the body to get rid of the excess liquids and wastes. It also helps in the formation of the red blood cells.

Urinary tract infections can be treated with antibacterial drugs. After the urine test doctors realize which the type of bacteria is and prescribes treatment. The sensitivity test is also important because it helps doctors to select the optimal treatment and dosage. For normal cases of UTI treatment is not needed for more than 2 days and it can contain trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole, Amoxicillin, nitrofurantoin and Ampicillin. Along with these old types of treatment new drugs like ofloxacin, norfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin and trovaFloxin are used in treating urinary infections.

As it is written before, 2 days of treatment can mean enough for curing infections but most of the doctors recommend treatment at least for a week to be sure that the infection is gone. These normal cases that have as result the disappearance of Escherichia coli bacteria are easy to be treated. Problems occur when it comes to Mycoplasma or Chlamydia as cause of infections. For these kinds of infections treatments are a bit different, in these cases tetracycline, trimethoprim or doxycyline being recommended. In each case even if it's about an easy form of infection or a complicated one doctors recommend a full treatment without stopping if the symptoms are gone because we know that, at that time, the infection might not be fully cured.

Kidneys infections are not that easy to treat but after hospitalization for at least 2 weeks the patient can be recovered. In few cases bacterial infections of the kidneys leaded to kidney failure but this happened only because UTI wasn't treated in time.

In their indications, along with the treatment, doctors recommend their patients to avoid smocking, alcohol, coffee and highly spiced foods. Another recommendation that has to be respected is drinking plenty of liquids for cleaning the urinary tract of bacteria.

Special cases of UTI are seen at women that have 3 or even more infections of this kind in a year. For them the treatment is the same but has to be taken daily for at least 6 months.

A home test for women that avoid seeing a doctor is available. Dipsticks can detect almost every urinary tract infections and can be useful in many cases.

For more info about chronic kidney infection or even about kidney infection symptoms please review this website

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Bladder Infection Medication

Bladder infections are treated with antibacterial drugs, and the choice of medication and the duration of treatment depend upon the patient's past medical history and the results of the urine test, which clearly identifies the problem-causing bacteria. The sensitivity test is also useful in helping the physician select the best drug for the condition.

Some of the commonly used drugs to treat regular or uncomplicated bladder infections are: trimethoprim; trimethoprim/ sulfamethoxazole; Amoxicillin; nitrofurantoin and Ampicillin. All these drugs are sold under various brand names in the market and are only available with a doctor's prescription. Self-medication is not advised.

Very often, bladder infections can be cured within 2-3 days of treatment if the infection is not too severe or complicated. However, most doctors advise that these antibiotics be taken for a week or two to make sure that the infection has been completely cured so that there are no chances of it recurring. However, single-dose treatments may not be suggested for certain patients who show signs of kidney infection or who have delayed the treatment by not taking immediate action. People who have diabetes or structural abnormalities, and men with prostrate infections, are also advised against single-dose treatments. Such patients need longer treatment, as do patients with infections caused by mycoplasma or chlamydia.

Chronically ill patients with kidney infections have to be hospitalized until they can start to take fluids and the recommended drugs on their own. Kidney infections generally require several weeks of antibiotic treatment. Medical researchers have found that a 2-week therapy with antibiotics was as effective as 6 weeks of treatment with the same drug in women with kidney infections (that did not involve an obstruction or nervous system disorder). In most such cases, kidney infections usually do not lead to kidney damage or failure unless they go completely untreated.

Various drugs are available to provide relief from pain associated with bladder infections. A heating pad and a warm bath may usually provide some relief. Most doctors suggest that drinking plenty of water helps cleanse the urinary tract of bacteria, and that coffee, alcohol and spicy food is best avoided during illness.

Bladder Infections provides detailed information on Bladder Infection Medication, Bladder Infection Symptoms, Bladder Infection Treatments, Bladder Infections and more. Bladder Infections is affiliated with What Cause Hot Flashes.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Common Pain Killer and Vitamins May Reduce The Effectiveness Of Your Oral Contraceptive Pill

Alesse is a combined oral contraceptive pill that is very effective in preventing pregnancy when taken correctly. However, did you know that certain other drugs, when taken alongside Alesse, can reduce this effectiveness and possibly increase your risk of getting pregnant? Alesse contains ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel which may react with any of the drugs listed below so please carefully check the package list of 'active ingredients' on ANY medications you are taking alongside Alesse.

NB. This includes herbal products, vitamins and minerals, over the counter medications such as pain killers, sleeping pills and other prescriptions you have filled. Check with your doctor if you use illegal drugs as well as Alesse and if you are a heavy drinker of alcohol or smoke to excess.

  • acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
  • anastrozole
  • antibiotics or medicines for infections, especially rifampin
  • aprepitant
  • barbiturate medicines for producing sleep or treating seizures (convulsions)secobarbital (Seconal), or phenobarbital (Luminal, Solfoton)
  • bosentan
  • carbamazepine (Tegretol)
  • caffeine
  • clofibrate
  • cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune, Gengraf)
  • dantrolene
  • doxercalciferol
  • exemestane
  • grapefruit juice
  • hydrocortisone
  • letrozole
  • medicines for anxiety or sleeping problems, such as diazepam or temazepam
  • medicines for mental depression
  • medicines for diabetes, including troglitazone and pioglitazone
  • mineral oil
  • modafinil
  • mycophenolate
  • nefazodone
  • oxcarbazepine
  • phenylbutazone (Azolid, Butazolidin)
  • phenytoin (Dilantin)
  • prednisolone (Orapred)
  • primidone (Mysoline)
  • rifampin
  • ritonavir (Norvir) or other medicines for the treatment of the HIV virus or AIDS such as modafinil (Provigil)
  • selegiline
  • soy isoflavones supplements
  • St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)
  • tamoxifen or raloxifene
  • testolactone
  • theophylline (Respbid, Theo-Dur)
  • topiramate (Topamax)
  • warfarin

...........and possibly certain antibiotics (such as Ampicillin and other penicillins and tetracyclines)

WARNING: Do not share Alesse with anyone else and keep the pack of oral contraceptive pills out of the reach of children. Do not use Alesse or any other medication after the expiry date on the pack.

Sources: Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Inc. Philadelphia, DrugDigest,

The above information is intended as a guide only and should not be substituted for the professional expertise and advice from your doctor or pharmacist.

Carole Pemberton brings you up to date with the latest information on contraceptives, including Alesse to empower you to enjoy your sexuality while successfully managing your birth control.

For free tips, lighthearted videos, useful guides and a 'no nonsense' website that tells it like it is, visit:

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment - Your Options

The best thing about Bacterial Vaginosis treatment is that it is relatively simple and highly effective. Bacterial Vaginosis treatment is usually recommended for three to seven nights, during which the sufferer will be cured. But it is advisable that you should not drink alcohol during the treatment as well as three days after the treatment.

Bacterial vaginosis and recurrent bacterial vaginosis can be treated both medically and homeopathically - the choice is yours.

Best Treatment - Metronidazole

Medical treatment for bacterial vaginitis includes treatment with antibiotics. You can either take these medicines orally or apply it on the affected area. These medicines include Clindamycin, Metronidazole, Ceftriaxone, Ampicillin and Tertracycline. Metronidazole is the most effective of all treatments, and should be consumed up to 400 mg twice a day for seven days. Vomiting and nausea are less likely to occur if Metronidazole is consumed straight after food.

A special fact about Metronidazole is mothers breastfeeding their children can easily consume this medicine. Although it might mingle into breast milk, yet it will never affect breast-fed babies. But make sure that you take it only for a standard time period of 7 days.

Alternative Antibiotic Treatments

Other alternative antibiotic treatment includes Metronidazole vaginal gel or clindamycin vaginal cream that can be placed inside the vagina. This is recommended if you prefer a tropical treatment, or if you are suffering from some unpleasant side effects. When you are using clindamycin vaginal cream remember not to rely on condoms during sexual intercourse, as clindamycin is known for weakening effects of condoms.

Homeopathic Treatments

Homeopathic bacterial vaginosis treatment includes changes in diet, intake of vitamin supplements and abstinence from sexual activities, until healed. But you should always check with your doctor before undertaking any treatment plans.

Diagnosis depends upon the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. It is always advisable to test your conditions, and take medications, even if you do not exhibit any outward symptoms of Bacterial Vaginitis.

I had symptoms of bacterial vaginosis since I remember myself until I had found the ultimate bacterial vaginosis treatment. Read about it on